I know "celebrities" is a very elastic term nowadays but I didn't recognise any of them and what happened to the well endowed squirrel?
Radical must be a more elastic term than I thought.
"The problem is that 'lifetime' seems to be a very elastic term in these here parts."
For a completely fluid material, the elastic term reduces to the hydrostatic pressure.
"Of course 'unmarried' in Irene's case covers quite a number of years, and young is rather an elastic term."
Art is a much more elastic term than it was, partly because of photography, which by its nature makes the traditional definitions quaver.
'Best' is a very elastic term in our society.
"Murder is such an elastic term, isn't it?"
But privacy is still an elastic term that means very different things to different people.
Every show features some new element of "extreme," which appears to be a fairly elastic term.