Such elders may have given positive meaning to experiences of anxiety, poverty, chronic illness, multiple losses and death.
On Monday, the elders gave marching orders to their local commanders.
They performed tasks which their overburdened elders gave them, without argument or complaint.
Tenderly, yet listlessly, their elders would then give them the last sleep.
If only... rock's elders would give us more than the stale old hits in a new format.
It seems your elders didn't give the Zirgosians enough time to test their fire-control design.
Somalis who were interviewed denied that the elders had given their assent.
The elders are giving you the credit to say that you have passed from a certain stage.
And only the pueblo's elders can give permission for use of the symbol.
Also, elders give money or present to a person who did Sebae in return of showing their respect.