The six elders sat in a circle around the skulls of ancestors arranged in the center.
Ned, frank, and the little girls joined in this, and while it went on, the three elders sat apart, talking.
The elders were sitting in a small circle in the dark, just outside the door.
Their elders sat on uneven, slanted porches and watched the occasional car drive past.
The other day, two elders sat around talking about a way to persuade God to spare them more rain.
The elders sat in a circle on the floor of my office.
Upon these sat twenty-four elders, clothed in white garments, golden crowns on their heads.
The elders sit while the couple serves tea to each one, beginning with the head of the family.
The elders sat quietly, the joy gone from their faces.
When their elders sit and begin, children are just waiting and hoping for one to come out, like a mouse from its hole.