Since then, the elders have allowed the center to stay without a contract but have taken legal steps to evict it.
Shamans and elders take a holistic approach to health based on physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual balance.
They were to do exactly as he had instructed the elders or the high courts would take the lands from them.
Carter was protesting the delay, but the "elders" took their time, circling twice around the Continental.
Tell the elders to take the weight of this themselves, just as they should.
If an issue involved the whole ethnic group, the elders of the various sections and districts met and took a decision.
No tennis lessons were proffered to the kids; instead, their elders took the heartless approach.
Recently many elders are taking the Residential School package being offered by the Federal government.
"We put a flag on top to remind elders to take supplements," she says.
The elders took notice of her early on, eyeing her with suspicion.