In modern times though, due to formal education, it's not a celebrated activity but elders still teach and advise the young in their day to day encounters.
In the olden times, elders taught the young in their village on the full moon night after harvesting.
Word was that the elders were all teaching the same stuff, wherever they wound up and with whom.
According to their tradition, it is a place where the elders teach the children about traditional mythology, folklore and religion.
The elders had taught that the universe began 10 billion earth orbits earlier with a great explosion that still reverberated.
He is six days short of his 24th birthday and he is starting to store wise things that his elders have taught him in this industry.
Certainly, the elders of the Caledonii did not teach me their dream ways in the year I stayed with them, only how to become a man.
We respect fear, we're not ashamed of it-so the elders taught us in the Labyrinth.
To become a Mamo, they stay in a cave for nine years while the elders teach them everything they need to know.
And in his small village the elders had taught Bassiritz one certain rule: Never laugh at a kiss.