W.'s Cycle Shop - although their elders warned small boys to keep away from this establishment, they never gave the reason.
His elders in the caste system of his youth had warned: Never exceed the budget, and know your place.
I discovered this cave when I was a child even though the elders warned me to stay away from here.
In a telegram on Oct. 2, the elders of the Chukchi Autonomous District, which borders the strait, warned Moscow that food and medicine were running out and their remaining fuel would last less than three weeks.
The elders might privately warn individuals in the congregation if the unbaptized person is considered to pose "an unusual threat".
There is growing anger in Afghanistan over raids on houses and civilian casualties, and legislators and tribal elders from eastern Afghanistan have warned that the attacks are playing into the hands of the insurgents.
She, like several other alleged victims and their relatives, said in interviews that the elders warned her against reporting the abuse or talking about it with other members.
Unbaptized individuals who attend meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses are not subject to congregation discipline, though elders may privately warn members of the congregation about individuals considered to constitute "an unusual threat to the flock."
Aboriginal elders on board warned the captain not to shoot, but their pleas fell on deaf ears.