Since early this summer, memos have gone out to Republican lawmakers teaching them how to talk to their elderly constituents about the coming proposals to cut Medicare.
Councilman Charles Millard said he had received numerous complaints about sidewalk cyclists, particularly from elderly constituents.
Politicians of both parties have been striving in recent months to show that they have heard complaints about high drug costs from elderly constituents.
Two of his elderly constituents had lost not only their life savings, but their homes.
She talked about Florence Smith, an elderly constituent of hers, and how she was caught in such a gap.
Some of my elderly constituents have been advised by their doctor to go stay with a son or daughter who lives further out of town.
She redesigned the ballot to make the type larger and more readable for her elderly constituents, "so they wouldn't have to squint."
Ms. Menichillo said members of Congress should be prepared for an increase in calls from elderly constituents who are seeking information and assistance.
An elderly constituent of mine came to me and said,' I have had my car for 12 years; it is my life.
She noted that many of her elderly white constituents felt increasingly out of place because of the influx of Asian immigrants.