Housemates: a deaf, elderly dog and a blind, three-legged cat.
The elderly dog first appeared in the movie, where he celebrated his 13th birthday, making him 91 in dog years.
My brother, a dog lover, whose own elderly dog was being cared for back in England, decided to take the pups home to the family.
Billy helps his elderly dog from the removal van and they enter the property.
Unfortunately, she said, few people, if any, want to adopt elderly dogs.
To manipulate his victims, he disguises himself as an elderly dog.
Constantia got up from where she had been kneeling by an elderly black and white dog; it was small as well as old.
Like an obedient elderly dog walking behind his master, Jupe thought.
It involved a very old man, a big woman perhaps ten years younger, and an elderly, roly-poly dog of some smallish breed Caesar didn't recognize.
Once she even spoon-fed an elderly dog who was too sick to eat.