He laid out potential legal actions against the Board of Elections, which has removed polling sites from centers for the elderly and nursing homes.
Winkel spent his last years in an elderly home in his place of birth Leeuwarden.
Every year millions of unsuspecting Americans, from children in school to the elderly in nursing homes, work with art materials that could endanger their health.
The O'Connors' first thoughts were to build an elderly home, however the demands of the community at that time was for a hospital.
Beaumont road also contained many elderly homes, Victorian houses and bungalows.
Older children also take part in a one-day tour, taking their summer school production to elderly homes around London.
But do we really want prisons to become elderly homes for offenders?
Sending the elderly to a nursing home, experts say, offers the illusion that a greater level of care is needed, even when it is not.
He also took an active interest in the needs of the elderly, founding several homes for the aged.
Most elderly homes are based on communal living, with pensioners spending the daytime in one big lounge and dining room.