The elderly housekeeper was already standing on the front porch, watching for her arrival.
But, on the whole, the surprise was a pleasant one, for little Rose and Blanche took to the elderly housekeeper immediately.
The elderly housekeeper pored over my hand again, stabbing a pointed forefinger here and there to mark her words.
"The girls" were his elderly housekeepers, Rachel and Sarah.
He was just about all the elderly housekeeper had left, and she hugged him hard.
An elderly housekeeper brought in a tray of tea and a plate of biscuits.
Here I settled down, alone except for an elderly housekeeper.
Mrs Bennett, the elderly housekeeper, would have been in to make the bed, light the fire and leave out a light supper for him.
His wife, it appeared, had been dead for several years, and he lived alone with an elderly housekeeper.
His flat is looked after by an elderly Scottish housekeeper named May.