In August 1949, he was elected as head of a Free Albania Committee.
Watford Borough Council is the local authority, with a directly elected major as head.
He then was elected as head of the UDF.
At the internal elections, on November 6, 2012, he won about 67% of the votes, and was elected as head of "the Jewish Home".
It was ten years since he had been elected as head of his family.
Mr. Mei was twice elected to two-year terms, in 1981 and 1985, as head of the society, the Chinese community's most venerable institution.
He was elected as head of the council of Munich in 1984.
"Bu-but how can a Terran be elected as head of the Tsugg party?"
In 1982, he was elected as head of the Palestinian Lawyers' Bar.
After his ambassadorship to Denmark, he was elected as head of the Mevasseret Zion local council.