But for months now, the general election battle has been fully joined.
Plainly, outside political pressure has played a significant role in the current election battle.
Yet the country does not seem gripped by the intensity of a tight election battle.
But the election battle here has had little to do with race or sexual orientation.
However, a long primary season can mean the eventual nominee has less time to prepare for the general election battle against the other party's candidate.
Such an election battle would be eccentric even by this state's standards.
As the nation tends to the wounds of the election battle, so, too, must a divided court.
After the seemingly interminable election battle, most people have gone on with their lives.
For some law students who find themselves in courses that focus on the election battle, law school has never been so much fun.
My group proposes that we do not turn the decision into an election battle between left and right.