As elections demonstrate, a poll is an educated guess and not a hard count.
The election also demonstrated that Panama's political party system was too fragmented to form a viable united front against the government.
The election demonstrates the sentiments that the state citizens felt over the controversial events in December 1838.
Collaborative history is a wild ride, as the recent presidential election demonstrated.
"This election demonstrated that you can't be anti-choice and do well politically," she said.
I'm not sure the upcoming presidential election will demonstrate that - unless one of the nominees is Romney.
The election of moderates like Allen demonstrated that the voting public was still cautious about independence.
The 1933 elections demonstrated the growing right wing reaction against left wing republican parties.
In a statement, he said he still held out hope that the elections would demonstrate national unity.
I think the 1996 elections will demonstrate that the electorate did not vote for a revolution according to the views of the new Republicans.