The election of a new female minister to the Federal Council in September 2010 gave the cabinet a majority of women for the first time in the country's history.
In the wake of the terrorism attacks in Madrid two weeks ago and the election last week of a new Socialist prime minister, it remains to be seen whether the society can count on additional help from Spain.
On 17 June, youth groups and activists will protest calling on greater reforms, which the kingdom has dismissed for 2-3 years, including the election of a prime minister and cabinet.
Following the election of a new prime minister yesterday, the yield on Spain's 10-year government debt widened by 18 basis points to 6.49pc.
Borgen, the Danish term for parliament, is a glossy political thriller in which the plot turns on the election of a fictional female prime minister.
In his letter, Mr. Papandreou said his party should "proceed immediately with the election of a prime minister because the country's problems cannot wait."
Investors, encouraged by the election of a tough-talking prime minister, Junichiro Koizumi, bid up stocks in April and May.
Mr President, on 20 March, around 80 000 exiled Tibetans worldwide participated in the direct election of a new prime minister and the members of the government.
Instead it is usually used in elections involving, at most, a few hundred voters, such as the election of a prime minister or the presiding officer of an assembly.
Some have worked for years to push a reform bill establishing direct election of a prime minister by the voters.