So that's why the 2000 elections will say a lot about democratization in Ghana.
"But alas," he said, "for reasons beyond our control," presidential elections had not yet been held.
Just before the election, 43 percent of those polled said he could "bring about the kind of changes the country needs."
This election year, the natives are restless, the senior campaigners say.
But their election does say they want not only more liberty, but also a better balance between Iran's body and soul.
Opposition leaders today continued to call the elections a "masquerade" and said they would not recognize his presidency.
But the elections also said something about the changing nature of the Southern delegations.
Lingayen-Lucena corridor, where the national elections have said to be "won".
Just what the election said Americans want: More kids at risk in Baghdad.
For example, what does yesterday's election say about that city monolith, the Democratic Party?