The midterm elections signaled profound voter dissatisfaction with Iraq and the Republicans.
Obregón's election as president essentially signaled the end of the violence of the Mexican Revolution.
A revolution was required because Roosevelt's election did not signal a turnaround for the depressed American economy.
Rights groups and some political commentators said this election signaled the end of Russia's post-Soviet experiment with democracy.
But his election as president in 1997 - and his call for tolerance and the rule of law - signaled an even bolder cultural explosion.
She said her election did not signal the end to sexism in churches.
Though the election signalled pro-independence, Chen was widely seen as a disaster by Beijing.
Yet, the election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad may signal a more restrictive approach to the pandemic.
After his victory, he moved quickly to assure the public that his election would not signal a break with economic reform.
Elchibey's election as president signaled a break in communist party dominance of Azerbaijani politics.