The election turnout was put at only 19 million.
The 36-hour general strike, which began this morning, is considered likely to reduce the election turnout still further.
The election turnout was 54%, 0.6% lower than in the 2004 municipal elections.
That would tend to confirm recent election turnouts, which have also shown a rise in independent voting.
Running without opposition, he received 92.6% of the vote with an election turnout of 42.9%.
Politically, it is liberal and generates one of the city's largest election turnouts.
The last election for the community government took place on the 10 September 2006 with an election turnout of 73.39%.
Since poor people, members of minority groups and immigrants tend to vote less often, election turnouts would probably decrease in the cities.
The election turnout was 53 million voters, or 73 percent of those eligible, the highest participation in recent years.
The average election turnout over all 5 phases was around 59.7%.