Other airlines, wary about competing against a federally subsidized carrier, are now left to wonder whether the government will reverse itself under election-year pressures.
In addition, election-year pressures will start to build in the second half, acting as a further disincentive for the Fed to alter its policy mix.
But they will be under heavy election-year pressure to bring home goodies to their constituents.
Labor unions as well as religious, consumer and environmental groups have put heavy election-year pressure on Democrats to vote no.
The conferees, responding to election-year pressure, said it was time to give the armed forces a specific mission in the war against drugs.
The comments also show that the Fed has not yet submitted to election-year pressure from the Reagan Administration to speed up the economy.
Morrell accused the agency of bowing to election-year pressure.
The farm bill will be affected by election-year pressures and environmental and budget concerns.
Though the provision has bipartisan support, tax writers face election-year pressures to limit the price tag of any 1988 tax bill.
Last week, buckling under to election-year pressure, Republicans signed on grudgingly, issuing less sweeping proposals.