The chief electoral officer, Robert Twala, said results would be available on Sunday afternoon.
The party had $597,764 in debts at the end of 2000 and was officially dissolved by Quebec's chief electoral officer on 30 June 2001.
Changes are then enacted by the chief electoral officer.
In late 2007, Quebec's chief electoral officer issued a four hundred page document that was seen as endorsing the mixed-member proportional system.
The party was officially registered by Quebec's chief electoral officer on February 21, 1994.
The chief electoral officer withdrew the party's authorization on December 9, 2011.
A political party (even if they have no parliamentary seats) may register with Elections Canada or a provincial chief electoral officer.
The chief electoral officer had warned that a referendum in tandem with the municipal election would have cost up to $30 million.
Through the chief electoral officer, registered groups will be given funds to provide information and educational material about their positions.
As the chief electoral officer, Thomas was instrumental in introducing electronic voting machine in all stages of election.