Yet his speech has to be seen in the larger context of party political and electoral considerations.
Individualism among today's members of congress has also been heightened by electoral considerations.
He said he does not take electoral considerations into account in deciding whether to punish union officials.
What you have, unfortunately, is petty electoral considerations and small-mindedness masquerading under his favorite term, "prudence."
But Mr. Ruffo has said he is merely acting "with objectivity and respect for the law, in no way motivated by political or electoral considerations."
The Kohl aide said that electoral considerations might opportunistically color American and French proposals.
Short-term electoral considerations such as the likely fate of marginal constituencies may determine decisions on issues such as line closures, for example(see Marsh 1978).
The trouble is that governments are said to manage demand and work out the inflation-employment trade-off with party political electoral considerations uppermost in their minds.
I have the impression that the setting up of this committee will continue to be postponed, by one political group which is being guided by electoral considerations.
We cannot make the reputation of this Parliament take second place behind the electoral considerations of one Member State.