It is impossible to completely eradicate differences on electoral matters.
One must always be wary of extrapolating from present trends to the future in electoral matters, as in others.
Justice Keegan said it was an electoral matter, not a judicial one.
The court system also was given greatly expanded authority to hear civil rights cases on electoral matters brought by individuals or groups.
It provides advice and assistance on electoral matters to the public, elected officials, candidates, and the media.
Reforms promoted by the President, the parties and all Mexican society are designed to restrict presidential power in electoral matters.
McCarthy has appeared in cases in the High Court on native title, trade practices and electoral matters.
Part of the test of presidential leadership, it seems to us, is finding a way to resolve electoral matters in the political arena.
Any gathering of Roman citizen men convoked to deal with governmental, legislative, electoral or judicial matters.
Pressing issues include the following: first, we need a stronger gender focus in electoral, constitutional, legal and judicial matters.