Many states are already reviewing their electoral practices in the aftermath of the Florida case.
A change in electoral practice in 1987 reduced the number of seats held by women in the 448-member legislature from 33 to 18.
(iv) Certain electoral practices, some of them with a long and disreputable history, are forbidden.
The governor's progress report came at a time when Florida's electoral practices are under scrutiny because of the coming presidential election.
In considering a local representative system it is necessary first to discuss the nature of both the electoral practices and the people who become elected.
As it not been affected by other municipal legislation over the period of time since then, its electoral practice has become increasingly anomalous.
Governor Bush has pointed to the overhaul of electoral practices as proof that things will go smoothly.
It also has jurisdiction in cases concerning disputed parliamentary elections and electoral corrupt practices.
The ordinance was put in place to deal with potentially corrupt electoral practices.
The simplest way of dealing with the whole business is suggested by the main features of electoral practice in Finland.