Pennsylvania, with 23 electoral votes, is the country's fifth-largest electoral prize and one of a half-dozen or so major battlegrounds in the 2000 campaign.
But political turmoil in the past 48 hours in Uttar Pradesh, the country's most populous state and biggest electoral prize, has brought new uncertainty.
This is the man the national Republican Party is counting on to capture the biggest electoral prize of 1990, the leadership of the most populous state.
Fifty-four votes," he said, referring to the state's electoral prize, the largest in the country and central for both parties' campaign strategies.
With 27 electoral votes, or one-tenth the number required to win the White House, Florida is the most important electoral prize after California.
Last year, Mr. Clinton carried the state, the nation's largest electoral prize.
B10 Dole is trailing in Pennsylvania, a substantial electoral prize.
But a judge in one of the big electoral prizes, Florida, upheld the decisions of state party leaders to keep him off the ballot there.
The Yeltsin campaign had six months to prepare for the elections and the President considered Perm an electoral prize worth fighting for.
Bob Dole hardly conceded, even as his campaign shifted attention to California's larger electoral prize.