However, under a democratic election, the local electorate chose a governor who pledged restoration to Japan.
The king's 30 nobles choose nine additional representatives, and the electorate chooses nine more.
He said that while the measure "may work a change in the balance of power, it is something the electorate can choose to do."
During the 2008 Presidential campaign, the electorate chose nominees in both major parties who opposed torture.
Political parties compete to win elections by submitting distinct programmes from which the electorate can choose.
In the May 2006 elections the electorate could choose between five different parties, three of which had formed the R-list.
What remains to be seen is whether the American electorate will choose this route to the Oval Office.
Indeed, in a real sense, it is precisely what the electorate has chosen.
The electorate overwhelmingly chose to remain within Yugoslavia, with a Yes vote of 95.96%.
The electorate of 2008 chose Obama and the Democrats.