The turnout was reportedly low, with only 25 per cent of the electorate voting.
On 19 August, the merger of the presidency with the chancellorship was approved by 90% of the electorate voting in a plebiscite.
With only 12 percent of New Jersey's electorate voting, only highly motivated voters made it to the polls.
But turnout in the off-year election was light, with less than 13 percent of the electorate voting on the measure.
The referendum took place on October 20, 1945, with (according to official numbers) 100% of the electorate voting for independence.
This election had the lowest voter turnout for a presidential election since 1948, with only 55 percent of the electorate voting.
He was elected to the Lok Sabha with 42.61% of the electorate voting in his favour.
The Alliance came close to Labour in terms of votes with 25.4% of the electorate voting for them, but won a mere 23 seats.
The election also saw the highest turnout in any Westminster by-election since universal suffrage, with 91.5% of the electorate voting.
Polling turnout was low with only about 25% of the electorate voting.