Riot police surrounded the courthouse as she was sentenced, using electric batons to hold back protestors.
They are packed 40 to a cell with common criminals, made to work 14 hours a day, inadequately fed, beaten with belts and electric batons.
"They take electric batons and they hit whomever they see."
Family members reported that Guo was tortured in custody, deprived of sleep, and shocked with electric batons.
The men reportedly beat and shocked Li with electric batons, and again told him to leave Beijing.
'Let's give those new electric batons a try,' said the one with the face.
They also carry electric batons.
Once, when the guards used electric batons to stun and beat the others in his cell for being unruly, an official first ushered him out.
He spends two years in the camp amidst international pressure for his release, and is reportedly tortured with electric batons.
Suppose he were tortured by electric batons?