The process is reversible, in effect creating an electric capacitor.
These motors capture the energy of the car in motion, and store it as electricity in a bank of electric double-layer capacitors (ultra-capacitors).
Decades ago, many local people, trying to make a little extra money, took apart PCB-laden electric capacitors to remove the copper inside and sell it.
Batteries, electric double-layer capacitors and flywheel energy storage are forms of rechargeable on-board electrical storage.
Conventional electric double-layer capacitors are being worked to achieve the energy density of lithium ion batteries, offering almost unlimited lifespans and no environmental issues.
The chemicals, once used in the manufacture of electric capacitors, were released from two of G.E.'s upstate plants between 1946 and 1977.
If the finite network contains only cation-anion bonds, every bond can be treated as an electric capacitor (two equal and opposite charges linked by electrostatic flux).
This basic mechanical design remains the basis of most electric double-layer capacitors.
Evolutionary capacitance is the storage and release of variation, just as electric capacitors store and release charge.
Production storage systems use electric rechargeable traction batteries, electric double-layer capacitors or flywheel energy storage.