He then used this principle to construct the electric dynamo, the first electric power generator.
It's the biggest thing since the electric dynamo!
He was also able create an electric dynamo to replenish their depleted energy.
Thomas A. Edison stands next to his original electric dynamo.
We know that of all the machines in the engine room, the most important to the monster was the electric dynamo.
The electric dynamos hummed their muffled song of pure power.
The electric dynamo was not working, and we had to build barricades of boxes and books to keep the candles burning.
The invention of the electric dynamo, electroplating and steel in the 1870s created a strong demand for copper and nickel.
Going to the door, he paused, feeling as if an electric dynamo of fear were churning behind it, sending out waves of dread.
The power made every part of her body hum like an electric dynamo.