Then I would plug in my electric percolator, often commenting sagely, "Kaffee ist gut."
The trash can was full of banana peels, and the electric percolator bubbled into the tiny glass nozzle on top of it.
Coffee is bubbling in an electric percolator.
She poured more coffee into the blue-willow cup, then set the electric percolator down on the table top on a large trivet.
There was an electric percolator plugged into the outlet on the stove.
His aide had set out an electric percolator and a can of Maxwell House coffee on a counter in the kitchen.
In 1966 the company introduced "Maxwell House ElectraPerk", developed specifically for electric percolators.
She padded into the kitchen to switch on the electric percolator, prepared the night before.
Della had the big electric percolator filled with coffee, waiting for Paul Drake.
Kathy washed out her electric percolator, filled it, plugged it in, and lit her first cigarette of the day.