Dielectrics are poor electrical conductors, but support electrostatic fields and electric polarization.
The random magnetic fields can induce a change in electric polarization in the block of material.
Today the term multiferroic has been expanded to include materials which exhibit any type of long range magnetic ordering, spontaneous electric polarization, and/or ferroelasticity.
A necessary but not sufficient condition for the appearance of spontaneous electric polarization is the absence of inversion symmetry.
Binary "0"s and "1"s are stored as one of two possible electric polarizations in each data storage cell.
It can be compared to electric polarization, which is the measure of the corresponding response of a material to an electric field in electrostatics.
Ferroelectricity is a property of certain materials that have a spontaneous electric polarization that can be reversed by the application of an external electric field.
Mechanisms of electric deflection due to electric polarization can be understood as follows:
In order to have an electric polarization that can be reversed, ferroelectric polymers are often crystalline, much like other ferroelectric materials.
The electric polarization due to mechanical stress in a dielectric is given by: