Open spaces again, nothing profaning them, not even electric pylons.
But this bleak landscape, broken only by electric pylons, excited him because it provided physical evidence of stories told in hieroglyphics.
I saw how a soldier tore a baby, who was only a few months old, out of mother's hands and bashed his head against an electric pylon.
He first appeared in the episode "Egg," where he was struck by lightning (it's dangerous to hold meetings near electric pylons).
A skirt of ugly electric pylons along the road means I have to wait to take pictures.
Guerrillas, who had focused their wrath on electric pylons and post offices, began killing farmers, policemen and accused collaborators.
The Serbs hit a main electric pylon on Dec. 20, crippling Sarajevo's power supply.
At the time of their construction, the two electric pylons were the highest in the world.
They are criss-crossed by electric pylons and huddled herds of long-haired goats tended by young boys and old men wrapped in padded jackets and turbans.