People had spent the post-Christmas period buying power drills and electric screwdrivers.
If you love puttering around the house fixing things, you know how handy an electric screwdriver is.
The guy checked the armament panel Schwarz had bolted in with an electric screwdriver less than twenty minutes ago.
He had removed my license plate, using a tiny electric screwdriver produced from one of his coat's many pockets.
I bet NASA couldn't develop an electric screwdriver for that amount.
Pilot holes are unnecessary when you install drywall or use multipurpose screws with an electric screwdriver.
Mr. Anderson suggests using an electric or battery-operated screwdriver to drive the 100-plus screws through the hard aspen frame.
The Andersons estimate that construction time is one to two hours with an electric screwdriver.
Which of these are contained in an electric screwdriver?
Electric razors share a remarkable similarity to electric screwdrivers!