A proposal to replace all the gaslights in town with electric streetlights was explored as both a cost-saving and security measure during the 1970s.
The first electric streetlights in the southern hemisphere.
The system was set into place and on December 30, 1912 the electric streetlights on Richmond Hill were lit up for the first time.
Hanchett provided electric streetlights, streetcar service, and a modern sewer system.
Mayor James R Toberman switched on the city's first electric streetlights.
The first electric streetlight is installed in Wabash, Indiana.
On 3 March, electric streetlights shone for the first time.
In 1880, Wabash became the first city in America to have electric streetlights.
If anyone else was using the park right now, he couldn't see them, although with some clouds and only a few electric streetlights he might well have missed them.
The two embedded electric streetlights along the fountain path were out.