The camera began to turn with a gentle electric whine.
In the quiet of the dawn, the electric whine of his descending window seems loud.
The angry humming of the packs died to a barely audible electric whine as they cut out the emergency circuits.
There was a scuffling sound, as of something being banged against rock; then a familiar electric whine; then a startled grunt.
Mr. Haino turned on his amplifiers, and there was high, toneless electric whine.
The truck's engine came to life again in a series of laboring electric whines, then shuddered and died.
The electric whine of the motor opening the gates drowned out the noise of the Lexus as it came nearer and then stopped.
It opened with an electric whine, revealing an empty space with a few boxes in one corner.
They made tiny electric whines as they moved.
The gray boats' harmonizing electric whines sounded like a leftover taunt.