This means that negawatts produced by reducing electrical use can demand the same market prices as real megawatts of generated electricity.
But it has found, too, that simply replacing incandescent light bulbs with fluorescent lights can significantly cut electrical use.
Reducing electrical use by that same 25 percent in each home, office and plant would cut regional power consumption by a whopping 133 million kilowatt hours.
We may or may not be able to convert them to electrical use.
Selectman James Burnham had questioned the bill, saying the charge has been $7.13 per month for one kilowatt-hour of unmetered electrical use.
Mr. Sapienza, whose father opened the restaurant as a speakeasy in 1929, likes to measure the block's vigor by its electrical use.
The pure form (only tungsten) is mainly used for electrical uses.
If you use insulated glass to brighten dim rooms, you'll cut down on electrical use.
And silver plating is showing up in more electrical uses, like contacts in switches.
Daylight savings time was extended year round to reduce electrical use in the American home.