President Bush's top economic officials gathered today to deal with the threat of electricity blackouts and utility bankruptcies in California.
Prices are rising, jobs are scarce, electricity blackouts are more frequent, and the quality of other public services is declining.
Already many Yemenis experience interrupted water service, like electricity blackouts, which they also have constantly.
As in a major electricity blackout or the disruption of telephone service, users suddenly realized how much they had taken technology for granted.
And developments like rising gasoline prices and rolling electricity blackouts could create pressure on politicians to "do something."
In an effort to prevent widespread electricity blackouts, the Thai government has set up an ambitious energy conservation programme.
Late on April 19 another crippling electricity blackout was reported.
A silk purse can be fashioned from a sow's ear when electricity blackouts are the alternative.
Prior to 2004, Georgia's transmission network was in critical condition, with electricity blackouts being common throughout the country.
But the long-term threat is a winter of rolling electricity blackouts, which will cut heat and water for many.