Anyway, this electrochemical and ionic activity can be de- tected and read by electroencephalographs, which you've be- come very familiar with the past weeks.
It has what appears to be a perfectly functional brain, the size of a four-story condominium, but the organ lies dormant, electrochemical activity at a standstill.
This information in turn traveled back to the ARAS, which reacted with even more frantic electrochemical activity.
Recent research showed that only some crystalline facets of tetragonal (beta) Sn are responsible for undesirable electrochemical activity.
Reducing agents and oxidizing agents are the ones responsible for corrosion, which is the "degradation of metals as a result of electrochemical activity".
Like many other physiological systems, neural electrochemical activity is subject to homeostasis.
Porphyrins, and phthalocyanines have highly tunable photochemical and electrochemical activity as well as the potential for forming complexes.
Your associate committed suicide, but we were able to have a crew there within a few minutes, get him tanked, and perform a data readout before full electrochemical activity ceased in the undamaged areas.
But his mind was racing, its electrochemical activity increasing, neurons sorting signals, processing, searching . . . electrical impulses leaping synaptic gaps, faster and faster.
A Californian company, NeuroFocus, has unveiled a headset that can measure the brain's electrochemical activity as a shopper wanders around a mall, allowing a computer to collect all that cerebral data remotely.