The horns contained a glass vial filled with an electrolytic fluid, that when released triggered the electrical fuze detonating the mine.
This device produced a tremolo by passing an instrument's electrical signal through a water-based electrolytic fluid.
Current recommendation is to use the electrolytic fluids in diagnostic cases, and in operative cases in which mechanical, laser, or bipolar energy is used.
Consider, for example, an ultrasonic pulse propagating in an electrolytic fluid (such as soft tissue) in the presence of a static magnetic field oriented in a direction perpendicular to the propagation path.
Instead of drinking wine he had one of his robots pour a dollop of electrolytic fluid into a dry battery; Mark had informed us that the sudden surge of electrons was most stimulating.
It also saw the vat of electrolytic fluids bubbling and the thing the vat contained: a thing like a flattened, wrinkled, elongated bladder.
In one, a plate of salt water serves as the electrolytic fluid, with a tangle of bare copper wires snaking over to a stack of leaves pressed between sheets of glass that forms a kind of natural battery.
"No, two or three gallons should be enough for dressings-say five, allowing extra to make up electrolytic fluids."
The electrolytic fluid carries away the metal hydroxide formed in the process.
The electrolytic fluid is applied where the work contacts the tool by a nozzle similar to that which supplies coolant in conventional grinding.