Some electromagnetic methods:
MTNet, Scientists engaged in the study of the Earth using electromagnetic methods, principally the magnetotelluric technique (magnetotellurics).
Smyth proposed the electromagnetic methods that were used to enrich the first large U-235 samples for the project.
The main enrichment center, at Tarmia near Baghdad, contained about 30 machines called calutrons, which enrich uranium by the electromagnetic method.
Iraq had a second enrichment plant at Sharqat near the northern city of Mosul, which also used the electromagnetic method.
The project was a broad review of all electromagnetic geophysical methods for detecting submerged conducting bodies that might have military applications.
Methods used include seismic refraction and reflection, gravity, magnetic, electric, and electromagnetic methods.
In addition to the electromagnetic method, it cited a centrifuge process and a chemical one.
As with the VCID, the design of a system for good damping using electromagnetic methods is often in direct conflict with the demands of high-speed operation.
It is separated from sand by electrostatic and electromagnetic methods.