Maxwell expressed electromagnetism in the algebra of quaternions and made the electromagnetic potential the centrepiece of his theory.
The relation between the electromagnetic potentials and the electromagnetic fields is given by the following equation:
We have the electromagnetic potential, , and the electromagnetic four-current .
Also, A in V s is the electromagnetic 4-vector potential.
These are Maxwell's equations for the electromagnetic potential.
The gravitational or electromagnetic potential of a homoeoid homogeneously filled with matter or charge is constant inside the shell.
The electromagnetic potential is a covariant vector, A which is the undefined primitive of electromagnetism.
The active sites for FMN-binding are made up of clusters of flexible loops and the area around these regions have highly positive electromagnetic potential.
It generalizes the electromagnetic potential but it has two indices instead of one.
For example, to describe the electromagnetic potential, , from a source in a small region near the origin, the coefficients may be written as: