Sure, the giant 'scope may reveal the relativistic electron movement in the heavens .
Organic chemists use two types of arrows within molecular structures to describe electron movements.
The layers in this sandwich were so thin that electron movement between them was restricted to two dimensions instead of the usual three.
This additional mechanism is called hole conduction because it is as if the holes are migrating across the material in the direction opposite to the free electron movement.
But just thermal noise, just actual noise from the physical electron movement in the devices introduced some errors and noise.
All brighteners have extended conjungation and/or aromaticity, allowing for electron movement.
But theorists, debating alternative explanationd, believe that a superconductor behaves differently, requiring a "coupling" between the vibrations and the electron movement.
In a real atom the spin interacts with the magnetic field created by the electron movement around the nucleus, a phenomenon known as spin-orbit interaction.
Silicon has more electron movements; sodium has 1, so that's why you get such a high amount of hydrogen out.
But if the Hall parameter is high, the electron movements are highly curved.