The vehicle whizzed along the deserted road, never slowing down, not even when the first electronic barrier came into sight.
He deactivated a small section of the electronic barrier long enough for me to step through.
As before, he deactivated the electronic barrier to let me in, then escorted me to the small grassy area where Ahmed was kept.
But the electronic barrier failed to stop either the bombing or Communist infiltration.
So why not just stretch the secretary's electronic barrier from Seattle to San Diego and save ourselves all this travel time.
Picket stations were spotted about 400-500 miles out and provided an overlapping radar or electronic barrier against approaching aircraft.
"How could I know that there was a second electronic barrier around the camp?"
Hungary has completed the dismantling of the electronic barrier along its westernmost border, an official said today.
The wheels can be lifted over the electronic barrier and/or pushed hard enough that the locks break.
Kaysen proposed an electronic barrier to limit infiltration from North Vietnam.