A study in which students carried electronic beepers and recorded their feelings whenever researchers signaled them indicates that some stereotypes about the adolescent psyche are false.
On several corners groups of young men, some wearing electronic beepers, clustered conspiratorially around pay phones.
In order to facilitate recovery, the satellites were fitted with electronic beepers that began to transmit signals when they came down to an altitude of five miles.
He was wearing an electronic beeper, the police said.
Before unlocking it Dan went over it from top to bottom with an electronic beeper.
The waiter was pulling an electronic beeper out of his pocket!
Drug Enforcement Administration agents installed an electronic beeper in a can of ether with the consent of the owner, a government informant.
I watched him try many times - using hypnosis, acupuncture, electronic beepers that help you cut down, even cold turkey - but he could never stick to it.
"A low frequency electronic beeper," Boland answered.
Like an electronic beeper, a physician's receiver would be activated only by those messages carrying a particular address code.