But interest in electronic billing is definitely on the rise.
In addition, the authorities must assure motorists that the electronic billing and record-keeping will not invade their privacy.
Large groups of physicians and suppliers like testing laboratories that use electronic billing will also be affected by the delay.
A major component of most matter management Systems is legal electronic billing (e-billing).
Now they are out to convert those die-hard check writers to electronic billing by offering perks, lower interest rates or discounted prices.
The contracts involved electronic billing, receivables financing and other services.
He says that approximately 50 Belgacom customers, including the nine other experimenters, are interested in moving to electronic billing this year.
That day once seemed a long way off, when the concept of electronic billing was caught in a kind of economic Catch 22.
Both want to cut paperwork and increase the use of electronic billing.
BBS offers services to send out paper bills to any company not able to receive electronic billing.