We went back to the original arrangement and added a little electronic bleep.
There were a few electronic bleeps, then Paul's voice mail came on.
He tapped in a number and waited for the electronic bleep that told him he was connected.
He waited anxiously through a series of electronic bleeps, hoping he hadn't lost the call.
Cardinals were making their little beeping sounds, not chirps or cheeps but more like electronic, metallic bleeps.
They will be using a lot of electronic bleeps on the news tonight.
"Aye, sir," she said, and played a little medley of electronic bleeps on her board.
There was a moment's silence while the satellite's carrier wave emitted a few electronic bleeps.
There was a soft electronic bleep, and the door slid open at the third floor.
MacAllister heard a few electronic bleeps, then the soft rumble of power somewhere beneath the seat.