His works cover a wide range of genres, from symphonies to electronic compositions.
He was professor of electronic composition at the Budapest Academy from 1975 to 1995.
He is known mostly for his electronic compositions with traditional instruments but he has been writing more non-electronic works since 1990.
Using an outdated computer sold to him by his father, Mount began to make his own electronic compositions.
Horn created his own style with structured electronic compositions far away from the mainstream.
It was an electronic composition with a heavy synth bass.
In the second year, optional courses allow students to study electronic composition or modern American music, or to increase their knowledge of early music.
There is concern, however, that writers may actually put less thought and care into an electronic composition.
Rustie's long-time interest in videogames has influenced his approach to electronic composition.
Kingsley is most famous for his influential electronic instrumental composition "Popcorn".