Halt the electronic espionage, and your Web-surfing habits will be strictly between you and your computer.
The Graf Zeppelin flew some test flights and conducted electronic espionage until 1939 when it was grounded due to the start of the war.
"Makes sense to me, if Velikov is using Cayo Santa Maria for something besides electronic espionage."
New possibilities emerged, too, for electronic espionage.
A History of Embassy Project The Ambassador is unlikely to have anticipated the technological advances in electronic espionage that would have made such a high site lucrative.
Western diplomats said they were unaware of the secrecy meetings or of any recent discovery of electronic espionage by the Chinese authorities.
On June 27, 2003, Installshield sued Wise Solutions, alleging electronic espionage.
He returns later with about 20 young female were-cats trained in electronic espionage and "encourages" Taba to run for his life away from Hound.
Most of GCHQ's work remains the highly secretive work of electronic espionage around the world, often in conjunction with MI6 and the military.
These were used by the Soviet Union for electronic espionage into Germany during the Cold War.