The electronic kiosk has in-depth information about elk and the surrounding wildlife.
Recently, the Hall of Fame made all the artwork digital so it has to be accessed by visitors to the hall though electronic kiosks.
There were no electronic kiosks in sight.
Interactive electronic kiosks will feature updated information on attractions and events throughout the city.
Further, it sets fees for different services, like charges for office space and the allocation of electronic kiosks.
The electronic kiosks will print receipts and can be used to cancel orders, if needed.
It has also developed electronic kiosks and offers development services for mobile platforms.
Delta, which has more than 850 electronic kiosks in its domestic system, claims to lead the industry in use of cost-saving automated check-in technology.
We paused at the electronic kiosk, which buzzed, clunked once, and presented him with a ticket.
A number of airlines are using electronic kiosks, which have now been programmed to ask the questions about luggage mandated by federal security rules.