"My brains use positronic pathways, not electronic."
Mr. Hearst, he said, sometimes expresses frustration about how slowly the old media giants adapt to the new electronic pathways.
Adam had led her along the electronic pathways through the city library?
Mirth played itself upon Wall's biomolecular electronic pathways.
The data bus is an electronic pathway that carries signals within a computer.
The electronic pathway to San Francisco suddenly opened to them.
Another article in 2000 claimed that the area contained "vital electronic pathways that carry more than half of all traffic on the Internet.
Because it is no more than the interconnection of electronic pathways, cyberspace allows speakers and listeners to mask their identities.
The processor acts like a computer modem, providing an electronic pathway for communications between the shuttle orbiter and flight controllers on the ground.
I think the Shedai are able to access their versions of electronic pathways directly, with the physical-equipment components acting as little more than interface conduits.