All electronic shutters allow adjustment at all times, including when the camera is running.
These cameras employ photodetectors with a fast electronic shutter.
The electronic shutter has also been upgraded to a maximum speed of 1/2500 of a second.
If you bought your camera anytime since 1980, chances are it has an electronic shutter.
But even an electronic shutter relies on gears, levers and other moving parts.
One of them was the SL725, which would be a successor to the Contaflex line with an electronic shutter.
These cameras feature an electronic shutter, making the camera inoperable without batteries.
In a full-frame device, all of the image area is active, and there is no electronic shutter.
Some cameras employ a 100% electronic shutter, created by turning on and off the imaging sensor's signals.
This is sometimes referred to as an electronic shutter.